How many studios does HVO operate in?

60 locations

How many actors does HVO have?

Around 200 per studio and 500 individual remote actors

How many translaters does HVO have?

600 on hand translators + 400 extra if needed

How many audio engineers does HVO have?

30 in-house engineers

Who does the audio mixing? Is it people in their native language or one master engineer?

The mixing & editing is done by our internal team.

Who quality checks these for language usage? The actors? Or an internal team? For Example in French, who would decide between using the word for “air conditioner” as: Climatiseur vs Clima?

We have our native proofreaders in all languages who decide about language issues at the translation qc stage, before the recording takes place. After this they are recorded in our regional partner studios with native dubbing directors and sound engineers.

At what point in your process are there quality checks for audio mixing quality? For example, balance between dialogue and sfx.

After we've done the editing and mixing, our master sound engineer checks the final files before uploading.

Last updated